Connor Denis / Beartooth, professional drummer.
Connor…. Con dog…. Avenged7xfan12
I met connor when he was in a band called Sleep Patterns. He was about 14 years old, and already one of the best drummers I had ever seen. Funny enough, I rode with Sleep Patterns on a string of shows with Being As An Ocean, which turned out to be epic foreshadowing. Which we also talk about in this podcast.
His career seemingly (and rightfully so) progressed rather quickly almost overnight. So this is a really cool conversation highlighting all the challenges that came along with that.
Check out his twitch at: to watch him play drums and jam.
Also, forgot to ask him about his dad. But Connors dad is epic and deserves a shout out. So shout out Poppa Denis.
Chris Mills of Harms Way.
On this episode, I sit down with Chris Mills of Harms Way.
We talk about his career as a drummer, but also talk about the psychotic amount of times that Harms Way has been plagued with van break in’s/theft, and how they accidentally uncovered an underground crime ring.
One of my favorite photos they took for the zine.
Dom and Joe Fox. Neverending weekends with von Wolfe.
This band is the reason why I am the person I am today.
I talk with Joe and Dom Fox about our days in von Wolfe. The neverending weekend gruelers, playing the same state over and over again, at the same venues, and how being a strict DIY band isnt always the smartest decision.
These were without a doubt the most fun days of my life.
Joe, myself, and Dom just hanging out. (I do not remember this photo whatsoever)
Christian Gonzalez. Creative Director, Graphic Artist, Guitar player in Kids.
Christian Gonzalez (@badboypapi) is one of my best friends.
I met Christian from going to shows over the years, and when he moved to Orlando we became really close friends.
He is without a doubt one of the best humans that I know, and I have been lucky enough to watch his career grow over the years and see him follow his dreams.
In this podcast we talk a lot about the freelance industry, and how his most recent project with Marshmello left a sour taste in his mouth by essentially being taken advantage of, by their creative team. How a rebranding pitch concept has been tweaked to look like something else. (who knows if other creatives are going through the same thing) We also talk about his first touring experience, his life in LA, and the inner workings and funny stories associated with the freelance world.
The man has style.
Epic bros.
Will Steinbrecher, Professional Merch Manager.
On this episode of All Roads Lead to Here, I talk with an epic friend of mine… Mr. Will Steinbrecher.
Will and I met back in 2011 when he played his first show with a band by the name of With Increase. Will spent his years touring in said band, and well, he ended up with a career as a professional touring merch manager.
We talk about a lot of things which include his first touring experience, a near death experience, landing a gig with Copeland on a supporting tour with Paramore, and how our dear friend Jose contracted gang green and survived.
With Increase at The Cloud House (RIP)
Jose’s gang green.
Tucker Tripp (Miley Cyrus, Travis Scott, Calvin Harris). Director/Videographer.
Tucker Tripp is one of my oldest friends. And in this interview we touch on stories such as: how he basically forced his way onto the scene in Hollwood as a filmmaker, his time spent on the Bangers tour and how that experience led him to fall deeper in love with the process of filmmaking, his help with the rebrand of JUSTIN BIEBER and how hollywood is long overdo for an overhaul on how they treat young talent, how he ended up on a European tour with Cody Simpson and stranded in a foreign country in just his boxers, why he took a drug charge in Canada for Travis Scott, and why you should never go into the pools in Las Vegas if Calvin Harris has played a set at said pool within the last 48 hours…. Just to name a few things.
He has a very insane and non-traditional path that led him to his career. He started off by basically winging it with a group of people from a once very popular show titled, The Buried Life. Where he basically faked it, to make it.
But to no surprise, this led Tucker down a very vibrant career path which landed him clientele by the likes of: Miley Cyrus, Cody Simpson, Tyler the Creator, Justin Bieber, and Travis Scott.
Tucker has road the roller coaster across the big production touring schedules, into the cubicle life, and onto the streets where he now focus’s on his love for narrative story telling and using his love for cinema as a tool to tell interesting stories.
Tucker is someone who I have known since I was around 14. But funny enough, we have never spent much time talking about our careers, or what got us where we are. So this podcast was a perfect way for us to catch up and really dive into those years of learning, trauma, burn out, and excitement. Tucker has only ever been interviewed once before (by Dennis Rodman nonetheless) which is why this interview comes with a hefty time limit.
Please be patient in understanding that Tucker has never really dove into this aspect of his life on an intimate level, and also understand that there are some issues with the audio given there was a large thunderstorm sweeping through his area.
SXSW was an inside job. w/Luke Pate and Cory Fischer of Frameworks.
The inspiration for this podcast started with me wanting to start an online documentary series focused on touring with a different band for each episode.
This led to one episode being made, because of the sheer insanity of trying to find bands who would be willing to have me tour with them, scheduling, etc. So I gave up. But this podcast was born.
Anywho, this episode I sit down with Luke Pate, and Cory Fischer of Frameworks/PEZ. Two of my oldest friends who I met by seeing their epic scenecore band at a church in Daytona in 2008? (RIP Stella) We have been friends ever since.
In the Winter of 2013 I got the chance to tag along on a tour they did to SXSW in Austin, Texas. In this episode I spark their memories, and reopen some old wounds about this tour. #sxswwasaninsidejob
Listen to Frameworks:
Listen to Pez:
RIP Stella :/
Day 3 into a 10 day tour. Van had just broken down, en route to Alabama. Luke has a stomach bug. Good vibes only.
Day 1 of SXSW. 8am at Torchy’s tacos. The faces show our optimism and excitement. Let the hell begin.