Christian Gonzalez. Creative Director, Graphic Artist, Guitar player in Kids.
Christian Gonzalez (@badboypapi) is one of my best friends.
I met Christian from going to shows over the years, and when he moved to Orlando we became really close friends.
He is without a doubt one of the best humans that I know, and I have been lucky enough to watch his career grow over the years and see him follow his dreams.
In this podcast we talk a lot about the freelance industry, and how his most recent project with Marshmello left a sour taste in his mouth by essentially being taken advantage of, by their creative team. How a rebranding pitch concept has been tweaked to look like something else. (who knows if other creatives are going through the same thing) We also talk about his first touring experience, his life in LA, and the inner workings and funny stories associated with the freelance world.
The man has style.
Epic bros.