Concept, Pitch, Execute.

Over the summer I was able to attend a pop up for my friend Christian and Matt here in Orlando as they showcased their spread of new designs for Mauvais Garcon.

It was there that I really understood the core values of their brand, and why they did what they did. Their main drive is to bring a face to mental health awareness and also focus on upcycling unique vintage clothing.

After I spent some time with them, I started to brainstorm some ideas of how I could help in creating a unique look to their brand through my photography. As their brand is focusing on the importance of mental health and preserving the environment, I immediately thought of how incredibly important it is to get out in nature and attaching that message to their clothing.

So I took to my notebook and started writing down the overall look, plan and message my campaign would showcase. As soon as I had a solid outline of this concept, I hopped on a call with Matt and Christian and pitched them the idea. They offered valuable feedback and how they want their brand to be represented, but overall, completely trusted me with my vision.

So they booked me a flight to California, and I set out to bring that concept to life. The following images were shot in Malibu Creek State Park with my friend Corbin who is a professional model based in LA. These pieces were curated by Christian and Matt for their brand Mauvais Garcon.

This was my first time where I had the opportunity to oversee the entire Creative Direction process as a Photographer.


Gouge Away / Slow Fire Pistol / Pez at Wills Pub, Orlando. July 29, 2023.


Hurricane Ian in Orlando, Florida 2022.